About Me

I write about history, speculative fiction, fantasy, gender, queerness and role-playing games. My doctoral thesis was about the late Cold War and how it was navigated within media-political discourses.

In my day job, I’m a professional editor. My primary specialisations are academic editing and game editing; I’ve worked on everything from theses to indie RPG zines.

I’m particularly interested in writing, reading, and talking about: bodies, language, identity, cities, cyberpunk, vulnerability, caring, horror, blood, communality and interdependence, queer relationships (especially among/between women), family, transformations, monsters, hive minds, cyborgs, robots, symbiosis, resistance, revolutions, looking after each other, discourse and socialism.

Outside of my creative portfolio, I have worked in academic editing and the Australian tertiary education sector. This has equipped me with a diverse and adaptable skillset covering everything from community and relationships management through to administration, program development, and education enhancement. You can find out more about my professional work at LinkedIn.

I’m also open to enquiries about interviews, modelling and photography work, and anything else creative, interesting, and fun.

I’m currently based in Adelaide, Australia, but more than open to opportunities involving travel.

You can connect with me in a bunch of places, like Twitter and Instagram. I also have a Patreon for self-portraiture and costuming. If that’s your kind of thing, you can check out @msmelodynova (Instagram) and my Patreon!